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Lee Kyung Min (also known as Kate) is a writer and translator from Seoul, South Korea and Austin, Texas. She is currently based in New Jersey (for one more year!) as she finishes her undergraduate studies at Princeton University. She is concentrating in Comparative Literature with a focus on Korean and French, as well as a certificate in Creative Writing. 


Lee started writing as a young child, hoping to one day publish her own books (a dream she still is working towards). She primarily writes fiction, and is currently working on her first full-length novel. In the past year, she began another journey into literary translation after falling in love with more international literature. Her first translation work was accepted into the Bread Loaf Translator's Conference 2023 on a full scholarship. 


Lee's work is interested in the intersections of identity, language, and memory. She hopes to integrate novel methods of multilingual writing practices and translation theories to produce work that pushes boundaries. In the same vein, she has spent a summer in Seoul and a semester each in Paris and London writing, learning languages, and exploring different literary traditions with financial support from her university. 


Lee's favorite writers include James Baldwin, Virginia Woolf, Toni Morrison, and Chung Serang. Her favorite book of last year was Elena Knows by Claudia Pineiro. In her free time, she likes to vlog her thoughts on books and other things on her YouTube channel and log her favorite cafes on instagram @kateandcafes.


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